me...17 years post transplant!

me...17 years post transplant!

Monday, August 6, 2012

ashes to beauty

There are a lot of things in our world that our unpleasant, ugly even. Many of our pains seem to come right out of the dumpster of life. Cancer is ugly.  A cancer diagnosis is tragic. Every survivor knows this to be true. But when all is said and done can anything good come from this great tragedy?

Our message at church yesterday beautifully encouraged  us with God’s truth on this subject. Romans 8:28. says “And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God”
Now before you click away from this page with an emphatic “yay, right”, let me explain…

This text teaches us that our great big God is able, and WILL rise to the occasion. He promises to make sense out of all the trials of our lives, even something as ugly and tragic as cancer.
Only He can take our greatest pain, the darkest part of our lives and make something beautiful out of it.
The greatest blessing God can give us in these hard times is HIMSELF.  Only He can take all the pain of our lives and turn it into good.
The passage says that ALL things work together for good- that means everything, ALL our sufferings, are used by God. He doesn’t protect us from ALL suffering, He doesn’t take it ALL away, but what he does do with ALL of it is use it for good in our lives. When tough times come we can most assuredly wait with anticipation to see God do his thing….

Yes,God is WORKING hard to take our pain and make something beautiful of it. Sometimes we complicate things, and make his work harder with our self pity . We act as if no one else has any problems. We act as if our pain is so much more severe than the next guys. We take on the role of the persecuted rather than working WITH God to accomplish His purposes.

Remember that God is working for our GOOD. But what does he mean when he says all things work together for GOOD? What does goodness mean? Is it only materialistic “goodness” ? What is the primary good God wants to bring to us through our suffering? It’s not a circumstantial good, but a  transformational good! He wants to change us into beings who are more like Him and more able to accomplish spiritual good.  
In our difficulties we are gifted with an intimacy with God we might not otherwise know. It seems like the closest people to God are often those who have suffered the most. In pain we run to God, we cling to him.  
 Another “goodness’ our pain will provide is  character development. Ask yourself “What character flaw in me is God tweaking through this trial... what is broken in me that He is fixing through this difficulty...what are God and I working on together in this hardship?" 
 Lastly, our pastor explained that God wants to use our hardship to bring goodness and spiritual change to others. Every time you are able to smile, and be pleasant, despite your pain, others will see Christ in you.
God wants us to be dependent on him and our pain forces us to do just that. When we get to that place of dependency on Him He can then use our pain for good in our lives and in other’s lives. Our pain gives us a voice that others will listen to because they 
know  of our suffering.

You make beautiful things out of the dust.  


I am thankful for the hope my faith brings me, for the comfort God’s Spirit provides and the knowledge that my great big God is more than capable of taking all the ugliness that is cancer and making it into something beautiful in my life. I pray that each of my cancer survivor friends will know His peace, His comfort and His provision. He wants to help you make sense of it all in a perfect way that only He can do.  
(for the full sermon go to video podcast 8/5/12)